Saturday, January 15, 2011

Federal programs we need and DO NOT NEED!!!!!

One of the federal programs that I believe is vital to the United States is the unemployment compensation program. If the the governments stops their funding for this program, this could cause many families to go into poverty. I could see why the working class people in our country would not like this program by having the mind set, why are they working to give their money to people that are sitting on their couch and then you have citizens in our country who do not even try to get a job or better themselves and do not mind living off government assistance for the rest of their life. In the long run, I believe this program is good for our country for longevity, given the unemployment issues that are going on today and we should not be so selfish in helping our fellow citizens. In order to fix this issue maybe their needs to be some type of government reform (less taxes taken from working class).

( I thought this was kind of fitting...enjoy!) 

The Federal program I believe that we could get rid of is the affirmative action policy.I understand why  the program was implemented back then due to race and other discriminatory issues. Now in today's society I believe the "playing" field is equal for everyone to succeed and live out their dreams. We have all types of example that show that we no longer have as many race issues compared to the the 1960's. For example, colleges are widely diverse with students from different backgrounds, black president , and Hispanic supreme court justice, just to name a few. In conclusion, if you work hard for what you want out of life then it will come to you no matter that race or sex. 

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