Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Be Afraid..Very Afraid!!!

Vampire Power is when a vampire comes to your house and destroys everything in its path...Just kidding!!! 

Vampire Power  refers to the electricity that is sucked out of power circuits by appliances that are not in use. For example, leaving a cell phone charger plugged in the wall while not in use is creating the vampire power effect because electricity (power) is being sucked out of the circuits while not in use.  To monetize this phenomenon, Vampire power cost consumers and business $4 billion a year! Some of the steps we could take to eliminate this problem is to simply unplug appliances that we do not use  on the regular or do not need. There is no need to have 7 clocks operating in your house, unplug cell phone charges, and even lamps when not in use. 

Watch video and take a look at my vampire power picture!

R.I.P.  :-(